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58 records match your query.
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Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Daniel Rind Diffusion v1.0
52.2 KB
Compiled / Description

Diffusion is a very versatile and reasonably fast sub surface scattering shader.

The 64-bit version of this shader can be downloaded here.
The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Stephen Gustafson Dots v1.0
5 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a 3D polkadot shader.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Duiker Research Corporation drUtilSuite v1.01
4.25 MB
Compiled / Description

This is a collection of shaders for mental ray 3.4 to 3.9 that is aimed at making it easier to create custom networks of shaders. The drUtilSuite includes the following categories of shaders:

Logic Shaders:
- drAnd_v1
- drAnd_v2 - Array
- drOr_v1
- drOr_v2 - Array
- drXOr_v1
- drNot_v1
- drEqualScalar_v1
- drNotEqualScalar_v1
- drEqualColor_v1
- drNotEqualColor_v1
- drEqualVector_v1
- drNotEqualVector_v1
- drGreaterThanScalar_v1
- drGreaterThanOrEqualScalar_v1
- drLessThanScalar_v1
- drLessThanOrEqualScalar_v1
- drGreaterThanColor_v1
- drGreaterThanOrEqualColor_v1
- drLessThanColor_v1
- drLessThanOrEqualColor_v1
- drGreaterThanVector_v1
- drGreaterThanOrEqualVector_v1
- drLessThanVector_v1
- drLessThanOrEqualVector_v1
- drInRangeColor_v1
- drInRangeScalar_v1
- drInRangeVector_v1
- drIsObject_v1
- drInRasterPositionRange_v1
- drInBetweenVector_v1
- drIfThenElseScalar_v1
- drIfThenElseColor_v1
- drIfThenElseVector_v1

Conversion Shaders:
- drColor2Vector_v1
- drColor2Scalar_v1
- drColor2Scalars_v1
- drColor2Boolean_v1
- drColor2Integer_v1
- drVector2Color_v1
- drVector2Scalar_v1
- drVector2Scalars_v1
- drVector2Boolean_v1
- drVector2Integer_v1
- drScalar2Color_v1
- drScalar2Vector_v1
- drScalar2Boolean_v1
- drScalars2Color_v1
- drScalars2Vector_v1
- drScalar2Integer_v1
- drBoolean2Color_v1
- drBoolean2Vector_v1
- drBoolean2Scalar_v1
- drBoolean2Integer_v1
- drInteger2Boolean_v1
- drInteger2Scalar_v1
- drInteger2Vector_v1
- drInteger2Color_v1

Layer Shaders:
- drOver_v1
- drSwitchMatte_v1
- drMatteMult_v1
- drMatteDiv_v1
- drSetAlpha_v1
- drCopyChannelColor_v1
- drCopyChannelVector_v1
- drSetChannelColor_v1
- drSetChannelVector_v1
- drMixerColor2_v1
- drMixerColor4_v1
- drMixerColor8_v1
- drMixerColor16_v1
- drMixerScalar2_v1
- drMixerScalar4_v1
- drMixerScalar8_v1
- drMixerScalar16_v1
- drMixerVector2_v1
- drMixerVector4_v1
- drMixerVector8_v1
- drMixerVector16_v1
- drReorderColor_v1
- drReorderVector_v1

Math Shaders:
- drAddColor_v2
- drAddScalar_v1
- drAddVector_v1
- drSubColor_v2
- drSubScalar_v1
- drSubVector_v1
- drSubAColor_v2
- drSubAScalar_v1
- drSubAVector_v1
- drMultColor_v2
- drMultScalar_v1
- drMultVector_v1
- drDivColor_v2
- drDivScalar_v1
- drDivVector_v1
- drMinColor_v2
- drMinScalar_v1
- drMinVector_v1
- drMaxColor_v2
- drMaxScalar_v1
- drMaxVector_v1
- drMixColor_v2
- drMixScalar_v1
- drMixVector_v1
- drClampColor_v3
- drClampScalar_v1
- drClampVector_v2
- drThresholdColor_v2
- drThresholdScalar_v1
- drThresholdVector_v1
- drCompressColor_v2
- drCompressScalar_v1
- drCompressVector_v1
- drExpandColor_v2
- drExpandScalar_v1
- drExpandVector_v1
- drInvertColor_v2
- drInvertScalar_v1
- drInvertVector_v1
- drModColor_v2
- drModScalar_v1
- drModVector_v1
- drFloorColor_v2
- drFloorScalar_v1
- drFloorVector_v1
- drCeilColor_v2
- drCeilScalar_v1
- drCeilVector_v1

Utility Shaders:
- drDebugColor_v1
- drDebugVector_v1
- drDebugScalar_v1
- drDebugBoolean_v1
- drNullColor_v2
- drNullScalar_v1
- drNullVector_v1
- drConstColor_v2
- drConstScalar_v1
- drConstVector_v1
- drNormalizeVector_v1
- drVectorNorm_v1
- drSelectColor_v1
- drSelectScalar_v1
- drSelectColor2_v1
- drSelectColor4_v1
- drSelectColor8_v1
- drSelectColor16_v1
- drSelectScalar2_v1
- drSelectScalar4_v1
- drSelectScalar8_v1
- drSelectScalar16_v1
- drSwitchColor_v4
- drRayTypeSelect_v1
- drSetOpacity_v1
- drShadowPass_v1
- drSelectVector_v1
- drSelectVector2_v1
- drSelectVector4_v1
- drSelectVector8_v1
- drSelectVector16_v1

State Shaders:
- drStateRasterPos_v1
- drStateOrg_v1
- drStateDir_v1
- drStatePoint_v1
- drStateNormal_v1
- drStateGeometricNormal_v1
- drStateMotion_v1
- drStateRasterX_v1
- drStateRasterY_v1
- drStateRasterWidth_v1
- drStateRasterHeight_v1
- drStateDist_v1
- drStateTime_v1
- drStateDotND_v1
- drStateInvNormal_v1
- drStateReflectionLevel_v1
- drStateRefractionLevel_v1
- drStateLabel_v1
- drStateInstance_v1
- drStateReflectionLevelScalar_v1
- drStateRefractionLevelScalar_v1
- drStateLabelScalar_v1
- drStateInstanceScalar_v1
- drStateRayTypeScalar_v1
- drStateTextureCoord_v1

Lens Shaders:
- drLensPanoramic_v1
- drLensGamma_v1
- drLensBrightness_v1

Geometry Shaders:
- drGeomSetAreaLightType_v1

Light Shaders:
- drParticleLight_v1

Environment Shaders:
- drEnvironmentPanoramic_v1

Illumination Shaders:
- drDebugIllumLambert_v1
- drDebugLightPoint_v1

Multipass Shaders:
- drMultipassGeometry_v5
- drMultipassGeometry8_v5
- drMultipassGeometry16_v5
- drMultipassSurface_v5
- drMultipassSurface8_v5
- drMultipassSurface16_v5
- drMultipassLens_v5
- drMultipassLens8_v5
- drMultipassSamplesMerge_v1
- drMultipassGeometrySamplesWrite_v1
- drMultipassGeometrySamplesMerge_v1
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Miguel A. Santiago Jr. DT3D Anisotropic Phong v1.0
318 KB
Compiled / Description

This shader is based on the Renderman shader by Peter Stuart. The shader raytracing can be used to sample the environment to get 'one-bounce indirect light'. The specular and diffuse portions are sampled separately, and can give a range of effects from blurry reflections to a radiosity-like effect.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Miguel A. Santiago Jr. DT3D BRDF Scatter v1.0
452 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a BRDF (Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function) shader, good for materials such as wax, jade and porcelain.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Miguel A. Santiago Jr. DT3D Car Paint v1.0
348 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a car paint shader which simulates a lacquered surface.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Miguel A. Santiago Jr. DT3D Glossy Shader v1.0
264 KB
Compiled / Description

Glossy shader is based on the Renderman course notes by Larry Gritz about glossy specular highlights. The shading model assumes that the object is highly polished causing a sharper specular highlight rather than the traditional specular highlight that assumes the surface is rough, giving the highlights a fuzzy appearance. The glossy shader works well for glossy materials, such as finished ceramics, glass, or wet materials.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Miguel A. Santiago Jr. DT3D Gooch v1.0
294 KB
Compiled / Description

The Gooch shader is based on the research paper 'A Non-Photorealistic Lighting Model For Automatic Technical Illustration'. It renders an object using luminance and changes in hue to show surface orientation. The Gooch shader allows for the shading to be in the mid-tones so lines and highlights are still visible. The user can control the cool and warm colors occurring in the shading, as well as the threshold of the shader.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Miguel A. Santiago Jr. DT3D Lafortune v1.0
278 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a Lafortune shader. For more information on what that is, look here.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Miguel A. Santiago Jr. DT3D Oren Nayar v1.0
234 KB
Compiled / Description

Oren Nayar shader is based on the research paper 'Generalization of Lambert's Reflectance Model'. The shader is based on a more physical approach to shading rough surfaces, and considers rough surfaces to have microscopic grooves and hills, unlike the conventional Lambert shader that assumes it's a smooth surface that reflects light equally. It has a roughness parameter that when placed at zero is the default Lambert shading. When higher values are input the surface becomes rougher and absorbs more light while reflecting the light at glancing angles.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.

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