MAX News Archive

Archived Plugin News  –  March 2023

Plugin Update: Particles

Changes for v1.0151 are:
- tySplineMesher trails mode now supports per-segment material IDs for subsplines
- Fixes an issue where a flow with actor IK could be set to 'static', preventing updates
- Voronoi fracture particles now inherit the parent of their source particle
- Fixes a regression where PhysX sticky penetrations weren't working after the PhysX 5 update
- Fixes a rare issue in the Particle Physics operator if groups are set and no particles match
- Fixes an issue where actor FBX bone matching wouldn't necessarily return expected results
- Fixes motion inheritance not working in the Position Object operator's 'closest point' mode
- Fixes an issue where mesh velocity calculations weren't correct in the Position Object operator

tyFlow Pro is available for Max 2018 to 2023 and costs $495. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Atmospherics / Animation

Changes for v6.0 are:
- Node based system with more than 140 ready to use nodes
- Particles with groups, clusters and custom channels
- Easy post processing of particle caches (retiming, attribute changes, geometry replacement, etc.)
- Progressive geometry fragmentation at face/polygon level
- Voronoi fragmentation
- Rope simulation
- Cloth dynamics with plastic deformations and tear
- Soft body dynamics with plastic deformations
- Inflatable soft body
- Rigid body dynamics (PhysX)
- Swarm - Collective behavior simulation
- Character animation control, event driven animation playback with smooth animation blending
- Voxel grids - loading, per-voxel manipulation, caching and direct rendering
- Custom Voxel grid forces
- FumeFX caches loading, processing and re-caching
- Node based access to FumeFX simulation process and voxels
- Direct node-based addition of sources and collision objects to FumeFX simulation
- Direct pressure addition to FumeFX simulation for better explosion control
- Extensive integration with the Arnold renderer
- New ISurf particle mesher with direct Arnold motion blur support
- New FumeFX Pyro Vorticity
- New FumeFX adaptive grid control

FumeFX is available for Max 2019 to 2023 and costs $365 per year. For a limited time you can get a license for $295 per year. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Utilities

Changes for v2.30.01 are:
- Adds the ability to create new Materials from bitmaps using the new Textures category
- Adds the ability to sort all directories by name using the treeview menu item 'Sort By Name'
- Adds the ability to clear Gallery for items in selected directories
- Adds the ability to hide Categories
- Adds support for HiDPI screens
- Fixes an issue with generating a PDF on some systems
- Fixes an issue with reordering several directories at once using 'Move Above'/'Move Below'
- Fixes some minor issues with renaming multiple and single assets
- Fixes an issue with relinking relative paths to absolute in version 2.01.34
- Fixes an issue with display preview for some materials in the Asset Viewer
- Fixes an issue with drag&dropping materials to sub-material slots
- Fixes an issue with display preview thumbnails
- Fixes an issue with rendering previews for materials with missing assets using V-Ray
- Fixes a bug with running the plugin on some systems
- Fixes a bug with opening the treeview settings in version 2.01.20
- Fixes a minor issue with the Auto-Assign preview tool
- Fixes an issue with dragging materials to the Material Editor

Materials Manager is available for Max 2014 to 2023 and costs $28. A demo version is available here.